Thursday, June 11, 2015

A Salute to Assimilation

It has never been my nature to convey my thoughts and ideas in public, for I have feared of the none-existing judgement from imaginary enemies. 

That is until couple of days ago, when I have finally come to my senses that I am most impotently aging. If there is one thing society has taught me, is that unlike the youths, aging people don't matter. Ever.

I am good to go. (pun intended) 

Old is perhaps not the right word. Forever a merciless optimist, I do not see myself being anywhere close to death. Neither have I experienced extenuating hardships so legendary to qualify myself as an "old soul".

Mature probably does not apply to me either, for I am still the trouble making, loud mouth, and inappropriately smiley person that my colleagues find so annoying (or so adorable). 

The best way to put it, is that I am turning "assimilated". I have come to realise that in order to truly identify with my species, the homo sapiens, I must socialise ordinarily. I must keep my posture aligned with others of varying cultural backgrounds, social economical standings, dietary habits, and sleeping patterns. By meeting them half way, my cognitive world expends through these interactions, and from there I humbled. Life is teaching me a lesson, and that's a great course to take.

So here's a salute to a new beginning. 

One that I take my sneakers off, and place myself into the shoes of others. 
I solemnly pray that I've brought enough bandaids. 

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