Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Rude Awakening

Vivid dreams she finds reality.

Don't wake her up,
She's not ready.

Patience, patience, patience.

She will turn around when she is ready.

What else can we do except hope for the best?

What else could we do except to be her safe haven,
Her resting spot for her soul?

Don't let go.


No Sky-Divers enjoys falling face flat on the Ground.

She prefers suffocating in thin air until she could take no more; than
a rude awakening.

Who are we to judge her sanity, when we ourselves don't fall in the normal range.

It's hard,

But would you rather be part of the solution, or even more of her problems?


She will turn around,
whenever she is ready.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


The water stream cradles the child,
and the Child loved the water stream.

"It's okay to move on."
Says the water.

Sometimes we need that reassurance.

The sense of belonging is so important
to the child,
He dreams in water streams.

Floating, Splashing, Diving,
He and the water becomes one.

No awareness. No consciousness.

The water is clean and fresh,
So is the Child's body.

A soul looking upon the Ocean.

"Keep going. It's fine."
Says the water.

There is no letting go.